Dictionary Dictionary is one of the data structure in python, which holds a value with a key, it acts as an address book, for example just consider that while you apply ar fill different forms for the admission, each form is identified with a different name, and in the form, each column has a label, like (“Age:-_23_), here the name of the form is considered as a variable to store information, the ‘Age’ is considered as the keyword, and ‘23’ is considered as the value entered to the ‘keyword’ for ‘Age in the inside the variable form. It is denoted by curly bracket ‘{}’. Lets try with an example Input: A = {} type(A) Output: dict # dict is the short cut for Dictonary. Input: A[‘what is your name’] = ‘jack’ A Output: {‘what is your name’ : ‘jack’} Input: A[‘what is your name’] Output: ‘Jack’ Input: A[‘jack’] ------------------------------------------------------------------------...
In this blog, you can read and learn more about Python programming, Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning. “Ultimately, it comes down to taste. It comes down to trying to expose yourself to the best things that humans have done and then try to bring those things into what you’re doing.” - Steve Jobs